Firearm Repair, Modern T
(Machining or Blacksmithing)



   This skill allows the character to repair, maintain, and restore durability to a modern weapon. All the functions of this skill are tasks and take the proper tools, parts, equipment, and time to complete. It also allows the character to create parts for the given weapon, by using his/her machining skill. A failure during a repair or an attempt to restore durability, will result in a loss of task points equal to the characters Wit Group Effect die. A critical failure during a repair or an attempt to restore durability will break to weapon further. If the weapon is at a durability of 1 at the time of the critical failure then the weapon is beyond repair and can only be used for parts. With a critical success during a durability restoration attempt, the weapon’s durability will be raised by 2. But the weapons durability can not be raised above the weapons normal maximum. A critical success during a repair will result in a durability increase of 1 and the time required to repair the item is halved. But the weapons durability can not be raised above the weapons normal maximum. For every point of durability wishing to be restored the character must have or have access to a tool kit 2 or better, 1 unit of spare parts, and accumulate 10 task points.